Black people need to stop looking for others to solve their problems.

Cry me a river, every race has a dark history. If black people want to learn from history, well let’s see, the Jewish came together and helped each other come up. Till this day,  they help everyone else last, after they help each other. Most Asians did the same thing. The White always helps themselves first, don't we all know that. The French, now  you get the point.

Black people need to stop looking for others to solve their problems, including myself. In life the big fish eats any small tiny fish it wishes. The rich overtakes the poor at any time they wish or by any way they want, unfortunately that’s what happened to us “Black”. Like the food chain, or the fish chain, we allowed ourselves to become the small tiny fishes because We sold Africa for paper money. That was the biggest fish in the world, and the white people went, and the black people sold their own people, humans for money, power, weapon, greed, and let’s face it, those bitches would were not loyal to Mother Africa or the children of Africa (all the black humans). We are now at the bottom, millions of small tiny fishes, together we seem so strong, but look around, the big fishes of the sea, come and feast on us whenever they want. Does everyone get what I am trying to say in the paragraph or do I need to break it down more because I can,you just let me know. 

Like I said,we are now at the bottom. Black Islanders are poorer than Black(s) in Continents, especially Black(s) in the USA. Only we can help each other come up, so stop bitching and look up to dumb ass leaders instead of looking up to highly educated black real leaders. You want to just worship these musicians, actors, or whatever they are, that only continues to shit on you by telling you not to get your education because you don't need it. Telling you that your ass is worth more than your brain and your soul put together. Let’s not forget how we BLACK, communicate (that means how we talk to each other) in a negative way 99% of the time. The other 1% if you're wondering is at a funeral and we are nice for like 1 day then it’s back to being asshole because that’s the cool thing to be. And you have the nerve to say everyone else shits on you, on us. I wasn’t born in the USA, I showed up at 8.9 years old and guess what the hood taught me? Guess what the US TV taught me about Black people? Guess what the radio taught me? Guess what the blacks in the USA taught me? And after that I became, more black than most, more hood than most, more gangster than most, more of a hustler than most, still got my Degrees and PHD’s in overcoming but Y’all still shitted on me, You won’t even let your own, come in or come up. You won’t celebrate your own, you continue to hate your own but guess what? 

When it's time to be negative, talk shit about everyone else, protest in an unpeaceful mander, blame the white president, blame the white anything or anyone, except a white T, nigga, y’all so quickly to come together real quick! real quick! hella real quick! You disappoint me because you are my house, you are my brothers and sisters, My father’s children and look at you, or should I put that in a song for you to get it? You're full of hate, blame it on history but all the other nationalities that were once full of hate now run the world, so stop with the blaming and save your tears for a happy moment or a funeral. Celebrate each other, Invest in each other, Send your kids to School, Stop having 10 kids when you're too poor to take care of them. Kids, Black kids are dying young, going to jail young for life, dying more poor than they were when they came out of the pussy, the not so responsible pussies & the dick heads that help with bringing life to this World. For what, all of that so our kids can keep dying young because you/we refuse to grow the fukk up, or maybe we should blame it on something or someone white but not a white T, oh no never that. Please help your friends elevate themselves, and not end up in jail...

“No one will save a gladiator, a gladiator saves his or herself” -Scandal, TV drama show

Yes, I am mad because I gave you my life, my sacrifice, my heart, my soul and you still shitted on me, so let me give you examples of BLACK GREATNESS.

Nat Turner (October 2, 1800 – November 11, 1831)

Frederick Douglass (February 1818 – February 20, 1895)

Harriet Tubman (March 1822 – March 10, 1913)

Thurgood Marshall (July 2, 1908 – January 24, 1993)

Rosa Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005)

Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965)

Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)

Zora Neale Hurston (January 7, 1891– January 28, 1960)

Oprah Winfrey (January 29, 1954 – Present)

Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 – Present)

Phillis Wheatley

Afeni Shakur

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Muhammad Ali

Ella Baker

Madam C.J. Walker

W.E.B. Du Bois

Maya Angelou

Jackie Robinson

Kamala Harris, 56

Rosalind Brewer, 58

Dr. Kizzmekia S. Corbett, 35

Victor J. Glover, Jr., 44

Amanda Gorman, 22

Raphael Warnock, 51

Rashida Jones, 39

Sandra Lindsay, 52

Nicholas Johnson, 23

Cynthia “Cynt” Marshall, 61

Cori Bush, 44

Alicia Boler Davis

Noah Harris, 21


 Angelina de Jesus Solomon ©️2021

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