People's Personality Foundation

I am going to start with a little background  about me and then I will bring the article all together to a conclusion that the good people keep having a hard time on Earth and the people that do not care keep winning. A lot of poor people are just as bad as the rich and there’s a lot of rich people who actually care more than some poor people. I am starting to understand that your psychology is not about if you have money or not. It is about your foundation as a child/young adult. It also has to do with when you become your own person, and you choose what person you are going to become. For example, a selfish person or an unselfish person? Are you going to work hard or not care at all about working hard? Are you going to give it your 100% or only 10%, and the conclusion was the psychology/personality chosen by you or were you already born to just be who you are today? Born to just give 10% vs 100%? Were you actually born to be a mean person or did you decide? Did our foundation start when we are born or before we are born? 

When I was under 18 years old, it was pretty hard to understand how the world works and why people are the way they are and the psychology behind their actions,personalities,& emotions. Now I am 37 years old, and it’s pretty easy to understand how the world works and how people are in their psychology behind their actions and personalities.

My mother has four daughters from different dads, and we are all different with our personalities, emotions, & how we take actions. Some are more caring than others and some more selfish than others, including the parents I suppose since that’s the foundation of a child/ young adult. All I can say is Thank God for Grandparents, they fill a lot of foundation gaps.

When I was 17 I went to California for Fashion Designer college with only $200 in my pocket, no guidance and full of ignorance, I thought that was enough. At my arrival, I found out how wrong I was. And that’s another long story for another day. I only followed my dream for two reasons. One was to get a college degree since I was a immigrant in USA and the other was to be in a industry that would provide me with a career which would provide me with the right income to help my mother, my family members, my community, and go back to Cape Verde Islands’ where I was born and help as much as I can.  

I went  back home to Massachusetts for a visit and I ended up just staying forever. I love and miss my family so much, my lil sister was having a hard time with school & my mom was a single parent with a full time job. I always think I can help somehow and at that time I thought I would be more helpful if I stayed close to  the family. Again I was wrong and would find that out the hard way.

Back in California, I did two semesters of college and couldn’t afford it, then I remember going from Long Beach where my college was to LA, and to the welfare office signing up for my own housing and trying to get my own help, while reading my bible so I would be able to return to school and get an education. No one told me our education would be out of pocket because financial aid was and is still slim to none for an art degree, such as Fashion Design. I was homeless & still refusing to go home without a degree. A lot of adventure during this time, a story for another time.

Over and over again I went back to my family, to my friends, to my community and continue to fight hard for a dream of not making myself happy one day but of being able to make everyone else around me happy by blessing them with money, job opportunities, and just show up and being prosperity to their homes and neighborhoods. 

For the people that know me, they have met my husband and they know that the love between my husband and I is beyond this world and very real and they also know that for me security has always been the number one priority for me and as much as I love my husband, I love him for two reasons, security and love. There has been one or two young boys who has loved me but wasn’t able to provide the security part for me and there has been one or two other men who has been unable to provide Love for me, and as you can see I did not end up with them, I did not have their babies, and I kept moving forward until I found my husband. At this point in my life, I was 27 or 28 when I met my husband. 

With my friends and family, I had to explain myself over and over again. I had told them, this is why I have to be sociable and socialize in order to network and one day be blessed with an opportunity. I told them this is why I have to move to the city in order to have a chance. I told them this is why I would need to have this personality, because the world is only allowing these types of people to win and receive opportunities especially in America. I told them Fashion is my world or the world I wish to be part of, this is why I have to dress this way, not like a free whore stripper but as close to ready-to-wear and Couture as I could get because that was the world that I aspire to be part of. I told them, I am a fashion house & a fashion brand, though I love people, I want to bring everyone together like my grandparents did when they were alive. My grandparents were the glue to not only our family and friends but they were also the glue to our community in Cape Verde islands. So when people attend my shows or visit our home, I need that to reflect in everything from Interior design to my personality and the actions I take. My fashion House name was Casa the Angelina for the longest time, even though I now live in the USA, I refused to let my roots go and naming my Fashion House was a way of staying connected to my Cape Verdean roots and the culture from right here in the USA.

I have not only failed a lot but I feel like I failed every time I tried. Thank God for Facebook because till this day it contains all the receipts. So you can say I’m just talking shit or you can go back and look at the digital receipts. When posting on Facebook about my business, my projects, or my events I received no likes, no comments and no one showed up to my events and those that did show up were my sisters, nephews and niece and few friends that I could count in one palm. On Facebook when I failed, no one encouraged me to not give up, or to keep going. So I left my Facebook personal page, I took out my Casa de Angelina name because I felt like my Cape Verdean community did not deserve it and I started my own Facebook page. My business page that connects to my Instagram. For those that actually wanted to support me and encourage me until one day we can eat together, they knew where to find me and reach out. After I changed my business name even though I wasn’t making money and started my process of moving forward with or without these people's love, support, or understanding because I got tired of explaining myself over and over again, or begging for their friendship, likes, & comments.

I have suffered so much just because I have actually cared so much about my community, about my friends, about my family, and about God. I have suffered so much just because I have a dream. I did everything within my powers and my means to chase that dream. I have even degraded myself over and over again by hustling to overcome, by hustling to get an education, by hustling to be able to help out my family and friends in any way I can and degrading myself by walking away from God. That being said, I also have a 4 page resume of regular jobs that I have held. On earth if you pick God then you could say goodbye to everything else. I was not born rich so I cannot speak for people that are born rich and have to deal with God vs the World but for poor people if you put God and follow God‘s law then make sure you don’t have big dreams like me because the world has made it very clear that, it is one or the other.

Some females do not graduate high school. They leave their hometown and community without ever looking back. They always have time and money to travel the world and spend money on themselves but they do not spend time visiting their family and friends. They don't spend one dollar on the family they left behind including the parents and let's not forget they do not fight or try to get a real job or a career but somehow they are walking around looking like the Kardashians and a billionaire on Instagram. Do these females even have any connection with their real cultures anymore? If the famous females have lost their true identity connections, imagen these females but these are the girls that everyone kisses their ass on Instagram and Facebook and these are the girls that’s getting all of the attention and love from people around the World online. My point is if I was just as selfish as one of these females, at this point of my life I would look better than a famous female at this age, but that wasn’t a priority for me, I made people a priority, not beauty, not body, or to chase my own selfish desires of just being a mom and raising my kids. 

It's funny when it comes to taking and taking and taking, poor people are quick to do that but when it comes to loyalty and when it comes to not giving up on a person and when it comes to encouraging someone to keep trying, to keep overcoming, then they are nowhere to be found. Yet they turn around and support and worship people, these free whores, bitch ass boys and the celebrities that do not bring any life or money to their world, to their community, or even to their friends and families. These celebrities are doing the same thing to them, take, take and take.

Most poor people are as dark and selfish as most rich people. These poor people talk so much shit about rich people and the rich lifestyle but if these poor people were to become rich they would be worse than these rich people because at least rich people have been used to their environment since childhood. A perfect example of this is when you see poor people become rich or celebrities, and they act worse than the rich people that they used to once talk so much shit about. Thank God that you also see the opposite, the poor people that had a good solid foundation when they were poor, they become rich or a celebrity and they work hard, give back and invest their time and money towards making the world a better place around them unlike those that live their life all about profit gain and stay in their bubble mansion with their kids but not give a damn about the World and people around them or their community. The positive people in the other hand also learn about the power of saving their money and investing their money.  The negative fake people most of the time they pretend to do something for the community, not out of their kind heart but out of getting something out of it, whether it is local fame, a tax write off & pr. This is just sad for someone like myself. I’m learning that people like me are few and rare in this World and the World works hard to kill us off or keep us down as much as possible, afraid that If we were to rise up we will bring too much positivity and prosperity to this world and that is bad for their business.

Most poor people are as dark and selfish as most rich people. Living in Hong Kong for two years has been a great eye-opener for me about America but also realizing that all over the world it’s the same thing, not just America. You have the selfish people and the non-selfish people, you have the rich and the poor, you have people of God’s heart vs people that are selfish, assholes, heartless and you have all these free whores taking over the World, Can you guess which one is winning(free holes) vs which one is losing in this day and age? Most poor people are as dark and selfish as most rich people, Whether they are family members, friends in your community, or far away strangers.

In conclusion, the good people keep having a hard time on Earth and the people that do not care keep winning. A lot of poor people are just as bad as the rich and there’s a lot of rich people who actually care more than some poor people. I am starting to understand that your psychology is not about if you have money or not. It is about your foundation as a child/young adult. It also has to do with when you become your own person, and you choose what person you are going to become. For example, a selfish person or an unselfish person? Are you going to work hard or not care at all about working hard? Are you going to give it your 100% or only 10%, and the conclusion was the psychology/personality chosen by you or were you already born to just be who you are today? Born to just give 10% vs 100%? Were you actually born to be a mean person or did you decide? Did our foundation start when we are born or before we are born?

Angelina deJesus Solomon

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