I did my confirmation at 34 years old and this felt so huge to me, a dream that has finally come true. I’ve been working really hard and it’s finally here. Thank you Mother God/Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and my Angels. -Amen
Thank you to Jamie, Svea ( my sponsor) , Allan, Donna, Pat, David, Jane, Father Jim and the rest of the St. Paul St.John Parish of Wellesley. I am going to so much miss y’all when we move. I love Weston, Wellesley, and Natick so much and y’all have treated us so kind, I really appreciate that and y’all will forever have a part in my heart. Svea I hope to be a light as much as you are one day 💡🕯You have helped me so much to keep fighting for my light no matter who tries to dim it.
Thank you to my 👭sisters, my sunshines ☀️and brother-in-law for coming to my confirmation. I’m sorry it was so late. I really appreciate y’all showing up for me. Thank you and Love you all.❤️💋💡 Happy Birthday Sunshine @ravendegrace and wow Melody 🎼 was such a doll at the church and really held her own candle. She growing. 🌸🌼
-Thank you truly
Angelina & Jamie
Angelina & Jamie