Escape the Cold: 5 Warm Weather Winter Vacations

Chilly temperatures got you down? If shoveling your driveway and scraping ice off your car sound less appealing than hiking in a rain forest or sunning yourself on a white sand beach, it’s time to start planning a warm winter getaway. Forget about hurtling down a frozen slope on skis or trying to defrost in front of a fire after a day out touring in sub-zero temperatures. We’ve put together a list of eight warm winter vacations around the globe where you can escape the cold.

Go Hiking in a Rain Forest: Costa Rica

Costa Rica has it all — vibrant rain forest; diverse wildlife; clean, white-sand beaches (bordering both the Pacific and the Atlantic); and a laid-back local culture. Fabulous all-inclusive Costa Rican beach resorts abound, but travelers seeking real adventure can head to wilderness lodges deep in the rain forest, where electricity, Internet access and room service are practically extinct. (We doubt you’ll miss checking your e-mail while spotting toucans, sloths and squirrel monkeys as you relax on your porch.) The winter months mark Costa Rica’s dry season; this is the best time of year to find stunning weather (and crystal-clear diving conditions) in the region.

Learn to Tango: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sure, in Buenos Aires it’s easy to take in a show at a tango hall or even stumble upon a pair of lithe locals locked in a passionate dance on the sidewalk — but wouldn’t it be more fun to try the tango for yourself? Learning the tango is a popular immersion experience for visitors to Buenos Aires; you can strap on your dancing shoes at a milonga (a place where the tango is danced) such as Confiteria Ideal and study the basic posture and steps of the dance. Buenos Aires Tango also offers tango lessons. Wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere is the height of the sultry summer season in Buenos Aires.

Explore Ancient Temples: Cambodia

The temperate, dry winter season is the best time to visit Cambodia (summertime tends to be oppressively hot, rainy and humid). Visitors flock to the Angkor area to discover hundreds of ruined temples dating back to the Khmer empire of the 9th through 13th centuries. Of course, the crown jewel is the five-towered Angkor Wat, the world’s largest religious building. To fully appreciate the rich details of the temple’s bas-relief scenes and carvings, hire a knowledgeable local guide.

Go Diving or Snorkeling: Bonaire

This tiny island in the Southern Caribbean, measuring just 112 square miles, is one of the world’s best diving destinations. The western side of the island is rimmed by colorful reefs swarming with parrot fish, sea turtles, butterfly fish, eagle rays and hundreds of other marine species. More than 50 of Bonaire’s 86 official dive sites can be accessed from the shore — keep your eye out for the yellow stones that mark these sites. Bonaire enjoys warm, sunny weather year-round and is located south of the Caribbean’s hurricane belt.

Go Museum-Hopping: San Diego, California

Sunny San Diego is well known for its year-round temperate climate (highs are typically in the 60’s during the winter months), and its dozens of world-class museums are likewise an all-season attraction. You’ll find 15 of them at Balboa Park, with collections devoted to anthropology, sports, photography, historic automobiles, art from around the world and much more. You could easily spend a week exploring these museums alone, but don’t forget to allow time to wander the city’s historic Gaslamp Quarter and — of course — walk along the beach.

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