Our familia is so very proud of Jayden. He got accepted to Miami U but of course that means he moves in August and starts classes already. Wow time goes by so very fast.
That's his mom, my sister Vicky and his lil sister Raven in the Above Photo.
Go Vicky, proud mama for sure.
On this trip we was also joined by my other sister Romina and her husband Mario. They brought their youngest, my youngest sunshine Melody with them and this she knows how to vacation. We had a blast with Melody & Raven. Jamie was there as well. On the same trip we celebrated Jayden, we also celebrated my birthday and Jamie's birthday and of course Melody took us to the Children Museum and showed us a good time.It was sad saying goodbye to Jayden but we are so very proud of him. Study Hard Sunshine, May God guide you on this journey while you figure out where you want to be and what you want to do. Enjoy your friends and this great Miami weather and City. We love you Miami as always and thank you for joining our familia a great time every time we come through.
xoxo GO JAYDEN xoxo MIAMI U!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love titi Angie & Jamie