The 2100 World-Unification Commitment

This commitment should be done in moderation but wait look around, we have already been doing it in moderation. Now it's time to really speed it up. All the money invested in space should be cut in half. We all know how space looks like and how far it goes but as humans we can't even get to the moon. All the money invested  on creating more luxuries for those who already swim in the ocean of luxuries should be cut in half. If Space, Luxury, War, Weapons, Technology, and Religion, invest 50% on closing the gap of humanity on Earth, that would speed it up.

And the poor people, let's talk. Don't hide, don't run and don't think I won't point you out real quick. You want to do your part, well here it is. Y’all one of the meanest mother fukkers on Earth. You want to really help Earth, start there. Stop being such Azzholez, calm the fukk down, I know, I know the World has been so mean to you, I get it. I get it the most but Y’all know how to make things worse not better, let me be the first one to tell you. The rich people are scared of you, not because you are poor, but because you run your mouth towards the wrong direction most of the time, the other times, you're not investing it in the right direction. It starts with your household, clean your mess. I have been to alot of poor people’s homes that you can see they just don't give a fukk, about themselves and the world. I've been to a lot of poor peoples homes and you can feel the love from outside, you don't even need to go in, that light, that love, that humanity shines so bright, most of yall if you close your eyes, you won't even be able to not only see this light, or feel it. Y’all so dam cold like a frozen dead body, but how if you're still alive? You put hate in your heart, that’s how. I've been hated on, my whole life but to hate people because they are not Cape Verdeans, that would be so sad. To hate someone because they are not black, that is so sad. To hate someone because they don't have the same faith as me, that is sad. To hate someone because they are winning and teaching me how to win, that is sad. To hate someone because they are rich and I am poor is so sad. To hate someone because they are poor and I am rich, that is so sad. Poor people if you really want to help the World be a better place, that is what you can do. There are a lot of rich people I want to smack, but there’s more poor people I really want to smack around, and make them humble. Poor people should invest towards getting to a normal life and stop fukking it up for everyone. And the music, Y’all have music power, but y’all lyric is mostly hate and slave chains. Hello, you are now free, you're not a slave anymore. Now only you are holding yourself back, Fight, but fight the right way. Hustle to overcome, y’all hustling to invest in more chains and then going back and putting all your people in more chain, especially with your mouth. Pretend this is a lyric “ Y’all need to watch your mouth”. The rich have education, but you have music, you have talents, you have humbleness, you have more people more than things. You bleed more, you cry more, you know a frozen body (how many funerals have you attend), and you appreciate anything Alive, so USE THAT. You have a lot, A LOT. I stepped in and I stepped out. I know what I love the most about poor people. I know  what I love the most about rich people. I love Y’all both. Can you please start liking and loving each other. The rich suffer so much. Poor people, you just don't know about their problems, but it would make you cry, it would make you hug them, and it would make you love them for life. There is so much sadness in being rich, my heart cries for them. Please show kindness to rich people. Stop being mean to rich people, okay. Calm down, I mean look how I have to talk to you for you to get it, look how mean I have become, just so I can get to your level and be accepted by you, so you can finally understand I am killing myself just to try to get this message through your fukking brain and fukking heart. I am so tired, I'm so done talking and trying to break it down over and over. I just want to return to me, and live because if Y’all don't want to live but I want to live. People love shooting down people that want to live, wishing and trying to kill them off. Sometimes, your own household wants you dead and gone just because you want to live. Sometimes, you keep the wrong people and they are there just to kill you, like an undercover assassin, but do not fear. Invest in life, do not let them put hate in your heart. Invest in GOD, watch out for those people, stuck on you like a deadly animal, waiting for you to drop dead so they can go eat the flesh but don’t be afraid to live, to love others that is not in your own class or race and never let hate in your heart.

And the rich people, let's talk. Don't hide, don't run and don't think I won't point you out real quick. You want to do your part, well here it is. Y’all one of the biggest Puzzy mother fukkers on Earth. You want to really help Earth, start there. Stop being so Scared and calm the fukk down. Just because, Centuries ago, and decades ago, and still today the World hates on you, does not mean you should be so scared of the rest of the World. We build our walls up for the realist reason ever, Men come from every direction and they just take it, They took it from you centuries ago and they are still taking it away from you. They came in or went in and killed your families on your lands, raped your females and killed your kids. It was your very own kind, it was one of your very own Nations, or Villages, or Towns, or Cities (or back in the day, centuries ago) that killed off a lot of your beautiful cultures, and you had so many. Greed is not pretty. After your own kind went after you and it took Y’all centuries to rebuild, just to have the same thing happen to Y’all over and over again. Ofcourse, that’s going to make you so scared of each other and  ALL WHITE NATIONS, ALL ASIA NATIONS, ALL BLACK NATION, ALL SPANISH NATION and any other Nation I did not mention, LOL. Here are some examples of the rise and fall of empires.

Although he is often remembered for being the father of Alexander the Great, Philip II of Macedon—who reigned from 359 BCE to 336 BCE—was an accomplished king and military commander in his own right. He set the stage for his Alexander’s victories over Persia. Philip II used bribery, warfare, and threats to secure his kingdom, and without his insight and determination, history might never have heard of Alexander.

In the late ninth century a disastrous harvest precipitated by drought brought famine to China under the rule of the Tang dynasty. By A.D. 907—after nearly three centuries of rule—the dynasty fell when its emperor, Ai, was deposed, and the empire was divided. According to the atmospheric record contained in a stalagmite, one of the causes of that downfall may have been climate change.

"We think that climate played an important role in Chinese history," says paleoclimatologist Hai Cheng of the University of Minnesota, a member of the scientific team that harvested and analyzed the stalagmite from Wanxiang Cave in Gansu Province in northwest China. The stalagmite reveals, for example, that the vital rains of the Asian monsoon weakened at the time of the downfalls of the Tang, Yuan and Ming dynasties over the past 1,810 years.

The Spanish Empire: Habsburg Spain was a superpower and the center of the first global empire in the 16th century. It had a cultural golden age in the 17th century. With the Peace of Utrecht (1713), Spain, stripped of its territories in Italy and the Low Countries, lost most of its power, and became a second rate nation in Continental politics. However, Spain maintained its vast overseas empire until, beginning with declarations of independence in Venezuela and Paraguay (1811), successive revolutions split away its territories on the mainland of the Americas. Nevertheless, Spain held onto significant fragments of its empire in Asia, America and Oceania until the Spanish-American War of 1898, and in Africa until 1975.

The fall of the African kingdoms: By the middle of the century the development of the liberated African community in Sierra Leone under the tutelage of British administration, churches, and education meant that some of its members were providing a considerable reinforcement for the British interest in western Africa. Economic activities in Sierra Leone itself were limited, and Sierra Leoneans were soon finding their way along the coast as independent pioneers of trade and Westernization or as auxiliaries to British traders, officials, and missionaries. Their most significant influence was in Yorubaland. By the 1840s at least half the liberated Africans were of Yoruba extraction, and by this time their homeland afforded considerable scope both for independent traders and for people seeking to introduce Christian and Western ideas and ways into African life. Both these circumstances derived from the failure of the Oyo empire in the 18th century to establish a stable form of central government capable of maintaining a firm control over the provinces it had conquered. There remained a dangerously uncertain balance of power between the king and the traditional chiefs of the capital.

Do you want more examples? Here is 8 of the largest Empires in History.

Persian empire, also known as the Achaemenian Empire, the kingdom created under Cyrus the Great stretched from Iran into Central Asia and Egypt.

Han dynasty, established in 206 BCE, China’s Han dynasty lasted more than 400 years and expanded from China into Vietnam and Korea.

Umayyad Caliphate, established following the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, the vast Umayyad dynasty comprised over 4 million square miles, making its empire one of the largest in history.

Mongol empire, one of the largest contiguous land empires in history, the Mongol empire spread throughout the 13th and 14th centuries CE. It rose from a collection of nomadic tribes in central Asia and at its height extended from Central Asia to Central Europe and to the Sea of Japan. The empire’s best-known leader was Genghis Khan, who founded the empire in 1206 CE.

Spanish empire, at its height, in the late 1700s, the Spanish empire comprised 5.3 million square miles and wielded tremendous economic and military power.

Russian Empire, at its greatest extent, in 1895, the Russian Empire reached 8.9 million square miles. Because of its size and influence, the empire had played an integral role in halting Napoleon’s conquest of Europe.

British Empire, at its greatest extent, early in the 20th century, the British Empire comprised nearly a quarter of the planet and an equal percentage of its population. Many of the territories it colonized have since gained independence, though several remain part of what is known as the Commonwealth of Nations today.

Greed is not pretty. After your own kind went after you and took from you and it took  Y’all centuries to rebuild, just to have the same thing happen to Y’all over and over again. Ofcourse, that’s going to make you so scared of each other and  ALL WHITE NATIONS, ALL ASIA NATIONS, ALL BLACK NATION, ALL SPANISH NATION and any other Nation, LOL. The same goes for Country to Country today. Fear drives or Light drives. The rich people have worked hard to have what they have. They do not deserve to be robbed in their own homes by poor people, killed by poor people for their material assets or be jealous of, by poor people. Rich people are now so afraid of everything and everyone because they have experienced or they have come from a line of family, that their parents, grandparents, and those before them have suffered and worked hard for them. They have a better chance in life because of this. Poor people need to realize this, and look around. How far did your grandparents get for you, how far did your parents get for you, how far are you going to get, for your kids? Your kids will have a better chance at life and their kids, and it will continue this way. Poor people need to know that this is how it was done.Yes, poor people are being killed the most, it's like rich people think that Y’ALL poor people are too dirty to be in their world. If poor people had homes, they wouldn't be so dirty. If poor people had a responsible job in this world, they would not be dirty to Y’all. If the world starts working together, than money does not need to have all the power. Work for Trade, look how long that was done before Today’s Marketplace. Some people need to work for money and some people need to work for Trade, to bring back the trade system. You have opportunities, you don't want to give the poor your money because it equals to them having the same power in your head, If poor people have money, they have power and you don't want them to be on the same level as you? Can Y’all read how stupid that sounds. Then  do not give them money then, but poor people want to work, for Trade, for money, for food, for anything. You can help poor people with those opportunity? Greed is not pretty. There are so many clean rich people but a lot of dirty rich people that if they were poor, they would be more dirty than a lot of poor people that they discriminate against. 

The rich suffer so much. Poor people, you just don't know about their problems, but it would make you cry, it would make you hug them, and it would make you love them for life. There is so much sadness in being rich, my heart cries for them. Please show kindness to rich people. Stop being mean to rich people, okay. Calm down, I mean look how I have to talk to you for you to get it, look how mean I have become, just so I can get to your level and be accepted by you, so you can finally understand I am killing myself just to try to get this message through your fukking brain and fukking heart, rich and poor.

I am so tired, I'm so done talking and trying to break it down over and over. I just want to return to me, and live because if Y’all don't want to live but I want to live. People love shooting down people that want to live, wishing and trying to kill them off. Sometimes, your own household wants you dead and gone just because you want to live. Sometimes, you keep the wrong people and they are there just to kill you, like an undercover assassin, but do not fear. Invest in GOD, do not let them put hate in your heart. Invest in life, watch out for those people, stuck on you like a deadly animal waiting for you to drop dead so they can go eat the flesh but don’t be afraid to live and love others that is not in your own class  and never let hate in your heart.

Angelina de Jesus Solomon ©️2021

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